Author: Lexica-chan


The Rising of the Mermaid Hero BATCHES

This is a little bit overdue, due to “things” <Shifty eyes>… but we made it! Special thanks to Webby for being on my case to write this post. <LOL> Here comes the all-important batches of the show. 😉 The astute viewer will also catch that there is a Mermaid Melody...


Blub Live: Fish Idol Project 38-39 (END)

…The moment everyone has been waiting for! The grand finale! This is a huge moment, and I’d like to thank everyone for your patience and love and excitement for all these years, to see this show to the very end. *^_^*


Fin/Stay Night – Unlimited Fishie Works 36-37

I think this nyuuspost’s piccie says it all, don’t you? 😉 Here’s a few more episodes swimming your way. 😀 As you could probably guess with this recent batch of mermaidy releases, the episodes were largely ready beforehand, and just needed some finishing touches before going out the door. For...


Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Fishies in a Fishtank? 35

What’s this, another episode? 😉 You bet! Some time ago, a fishy friend suggested a few “anime titles made seaworthy,” much in the same flavor as I’ve been doing for all of the Mermaid Melody posts to date. :3 The title for this nyuuspost actually came from a pile of...


EverBlue Fantasy Pure 34

Yeah! That plot-train keeps barreling forward! Or would that be a plotboat? Because, well, it’s mermaids… never mind. 😉 It looks like a few of you in the audience even know what to expect in the upcoming episodes, though. I do read your comments on each nyuuspost, at least a...


Mermaid’s Trip 33

Whoo, another ep is swimswimming your way! And… don’t look now, but that thing that sometimes happens in shows… what’s it called? Plot? …Anyway, whatever it’s called, it seems like it’s making an entry with a vengeance and things are happening. It’s no longer fun and games around Pearl Piari,...


Ningyomonogatari 32

Wow, can you believe it? 2017 is practically upon us, and it’s a good an opportunity to reflect on the past year. 🙂 It’s certainly been a busy one for me, but a good one. And I started 2016 with something of a Nyu Year’s resolution, in which I resolved...


One Punch Mermaid 31 ✊

Hawawawa?? Three Mermaid Melody Pure episodes within a month? Let’s just say that the water was building behind the dam, and this outpouring was the aftermath. 😉 And we’re getting close (relatively speaking) to an end, too! [16:27] Anyhow, the end of MMPPP Pure is within sight… that’s only 8...


Cutie Mermaid 30~ ♀

No, you’re not hallucinating! Two Mermaid Melody Pure releases, in rapid succession! Hey, we gotta mix things up with all those Cocotama releases, right? 😉 Those astute readers in the audience probably noticed some strangeness in my last post, in particular to how summer was oncoming still. 😉 Needless to...


Attack on Penguin 29 =☆=

Oh, my, Lucia. What happened to your face? *o_o* There were far too many good screenie-worthy piccies in this episode! This was among the more absurd, but there was plenty to choose from. 😉 Well, with summer getting into swing, the temperature is definitely rising outside. Hopefully you’re luckier than...