EverBlue Fantasy Pure 34

EverBlue Fantasy Pure 34

Yeah! That plot-train keeps barreling forward! Or would that be a plotboat? Because, well, it’s mermaids… never mind. 😉 It looks like a few of you in the audience even know what to expect in the upcoming episodes, though. I do read your comments on each nyuuspost, at least a few days after it gets posted. I do appreciate the positive waves, too! *^_^* And using some of the parlance from there, it’s onwards to the shores of completion! <Hasn’t fully grasped that there’s only 5 episodes left>

Alas, during the lifetime of this show, there have been some pieces of compy hardware which wouldn’t live to see the end of the show. The HD on the laptop that I use for editing died a few years back, and now most recently, Doll’s video card decided to give up. Worry not, though, it died the day after Mermaid Melody Pure 33 (ie, the previous episode) was encoded. So by the time you’re reading this, that’ll mean Doll’s got his compy back into shape and ready enough to crank out more encodes. 😀 And of course, more encoded mermaids. 😉

And with that, onwards with our Magellanic efforts! This episode comes to you from us and the mighty sea-critters over in Licca Fansubs.

[WSRN-Licca] Mermaid Melody Pichi Pichi Pitch Pure – 34 [DVD H264 Hi10P 640×480] [3B5A47B8].mkv
Depositfiles| Torrent
XDCC: Wanyudo

[WSRN-Licca] Mermaid Melody Pichi Pichi Pitch Pure – 34 [DVD H264 640×480] [062385FF].mkv
Depositfiles| Torrent
XDCC: Wanyudo

[WSRN-Licca] Mermaid Melody Pichi Pichi Pitch Pure – 33 [DVD XviD 640×480] [E3A7F70E].avi
Depositfiles| Torrent
XDCC: Wanyudo

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8 Responses

  1. KiraKiraKrea says:

    Thank you very much!!!

  2. Shom says:

    Nice to know, thx for still keep doing this nice (and by now classic) show!

  3. Williukea says:

    Thank you, guys, see you in 2021 with Pure 35

  4. Fronzel says:

    Thanks; looking forward to seeing the end of this show

  5. kamineko says:

    Thanks for your ongoing efforts! I downloaded ep16 from you in 2012 – can’t even remember when you started since it’s on a retired machine now…

    MAL says it’s 52 episodes. How come that there are only 5 left?

  6. Epyon says:

    Thank you very much! <3 I'm waiting until all episodes are released so I can marathon through them. 😀

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