Tantei Opera Milky Holmes II delayed.

Tantei Opera Milky Holmes II delayed.

Tantei episode 05 is delayed indefinitely or when MMC finally gets some free time to do it.

Ekke edit: If there’s a willing additional translator around somewhere out there, we can continue with weekly releases~~

EDIT: MILKY IS NOT DROPPED! Come on people… lol we love the damm show. PUT THE GUNS AWAY!

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24 Responses

  1. Sol Falling says:

    Saw this coming. Well, hopefully “MMC finally getting some free time” will be sometime soon.

  2. Ashley says:

    Aw thats disapointing to hear, but I understand. I hope everything is alright and you will get some free time in the near future 🙂

  3. jauhari says:


    Can u guys reupload Isekai_no_Seikishi_Monogatari to mediafire or direct download ??

    I hope to get the conyinuation of it also

    thanks in advance

  4. sanguine says:

    Oh noes! 🙁

    I’m already going into withdrawal. Hope MMC gets more time to help soon!

  5. 4908ty2345890 says:


    Best of luck! You can do it!

  6. Mon-tan says:

    I will wait to see moe lolis and Nijuu-sensei

  7. Dark_Pride says:

    ;_ ;

    Good luck and thanks to the KiteSeekers-Wasurenai staff for subbing this.

  8. SweetMonia says:

    That’s sad, wish I knew Japanese, I would surely have helped.

  9. Nina says:

    I wish you would delay MM Pure instead!
    No offence, but who’s waiting on another filler about Luchia and Hanon which is subbed ages ago?
    I’m a huge MM fan too, but you should focus on airing series instead of old ones.

    • doll_licca says:

      The team that is working on MMPPP Pure is separate from the team working on Milky Holmes. Progress on Pure is independent of progress on Milky Holmes.

    • Epyon says:

      I’m waiting for MMPPPPure, no matter if it’s filler or not (other fans are too). And it isn’t subbed by anyone past ep 7, so what are you talking about.
      I doubt you’re a ”huge fan”, if you were you’d be happy with each new subbed episode. The subbers ”should” only do what they want. And it’s better that the old series finally get subbed, since there’s a lot more people waiting for them who have been waiting for a much longer time, then for the airing series (almost all of those get subbed right away and even have 2-3 sub groups).

  10. rittyC says:


  11. ThE DeMoN says:

    so whats the update on Milky Holmes guys? i practically relieved to hear that this show is not dropped ;D

  12. th0usandeye says:


  13. Watson says:

    Please, just one episode, just episode 5, I need to get my fix. Take my car, my house, my boat!
    Well, I don’t actually own a boat, but see what you did, you made me a liar. You are the worst! *sob*

  14. th0usandeye says:


  15. th0usandeye says:

    What the even bigger actual fuck.

  16. MilkyHolmesAddict says:

    I still have faith that you guys will eventually get the job done though an accurate update would be nice. I refuse to get my Milky Holmes from anywhere else.

  1. February 18, 2012

    […] Bet you didn’t expect to hear back from me so soon! Well, you know how it is… can’t hold us back, can’t tie us down~! *^_^* Despite how some nay-sayers might wish otherwise. […]

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