My Neighbor Mermaid 23

My Neighbor Mermaid 23

Nyu nyu! Yep, it’s that time again to present another Mermaid Melody Pure release! WHOO! I’ll mix things up a little bit as per the usual… let you folks munch cake while I give my lil schpeal. <Wheels in a cake made to resemble Aqua Regina>

Well, it’s been an interesting few months for me… and I hope everyone reading has had a Happy Nyu Year. *^_^* In that time, I happened to get a bit lucky and discovered a local movie theater that specializes in foreign and independent films (this one as a matter of fact). And if you’re checking out that linky this week, you’ll notice the movies that are playing… anime movies! WHOO! Yeah, that’s pretty exciting.

So far, I’ve been fortunate to catch several movies I otherwise wouldn’t have bothered with. 😉 As a matter of fact, this was the first time I watched Tonari no Totoro. Better late than never, right? 😀

Cheers for animated content! And thanks for keeping up with our own mermaidy ones. *^_^* As always, the party favors were brought to you by us and the colorful fishies over in Licca Fansubs.

[WSRN-Licca] Mermaid Melody Pichi Pichi Pitch Pure – 23 [DVD H264 Hi10P 640×480] [1F6F01DC].mkv
Depositfiles| Torrent

[WSRN-Licca] Mermaid Melody Pichi Pichi Pitch Pure – 23 [DVD H264 640×480] [BE8288C5].mp4
Depositfiles| Torrent

[WSRN-Licca] Mermaid Melody Pichi Pichi Pitch Pure – 23 [DVD XviD 640×480] [77E6A349].avi
Depositfiles| Torrent

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11 Responses

  1. Jesus says:

    You guys are heroes.

  2. Ekke says:

    They blocked my IP cause I was connecting from a non-US country. So I can’t watch the details from that link. >_>

  3. Webbmaster62 says:

    Your not missing much. 😆

  4. beck says:

    Thanks so much!! 😛

  5. says:

    I know this is not the right place to put it but I was not sure where to go. Episode 1v2 of MMPPPP has been stuck on 30% for a while now and was wondering if someone could reseed it.

  6. octapusxft says:

    Great job there! You are geting close to the end of this project.

    I will give it a wait of about 1-2 years before I start watching them so that I will see all of them at once.

  7. nico says:

    Hello. Can you please reseed this episode also? I’m stuck at 74%. Thank you! 🙂

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