Onii-chan no Koto Nanka Zenzen Suki Janaindakara ne!! Dropped.

Onii-chan no Koto Nanka Zenzen Suki Janaindakara ne!!   Dropped.


We had to drop this cause lack of people available for finishing all our projects. We’re shifting resources on stuff that really needs attention, such as Milky Holmes (believe it or not).

There’s plenty of other groups that has already done this so we doing it would feel like a waste of time when you guys have probably already downloaded their releases.

Don’t despair, though! We’re gonna go on a release spree soon (or so Webbmaster62 says), so wait for further releases~!

Support us by donating with the button to the right of this post, if you can and want to. Any amount is appreciated! Thanks~

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1 Response

  1. MilkyHolmesAddict says:

    “We’re shifting resources on stuff that really needs attention, such as Milky Holmes (believe it or not).”

    You know there’s a grin on my face after reading this.

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