Anyamal Tantei Kiruminzoo 48 released!

Anyamal Tantei Kiruminzoo 48 released!

2 more. Best heartwarming ep yet. Stay tuned for the finale, folks.

Also, Yume Pro page (episode 2) updated whenever Webb gets around to reviving it. Good boy, Ekke~

Also, >mfw BF encodes avi hour after mkv release

[LSS-WSRN] Anyamal Tantei Kiruminzoo – 48 [H264 1280×720] [CFAA5792].mkv
Fileserve | Torrent

[LSS-WSRN] Anyamal Tantei Kiruminzoo – 48 [XviD 704×400] [27CA604A].avi
Fileserve | Torrent

Possibly more Anyamal, Yume Pro1(?), Henzemi OAD2(??) coming out next, who knows —-

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7 Responses

  1. tripperdan99 says:

    Wonderful!! Thanks for the release, great way to start the weekend.

    PS How about you guys picking up the new “Last Exile”? 🙂

    Have a wonderful weekend


    • MMC says:

      Doubt we have an active translator that could keep up with something that difficult. Also, it’ll probably be oversubbed like everything else this season ( ´Д`)

      Thanks for the suggestion though anyways. I think I’ll pour my own resources into finishing Anyamal, Yume Pro and Tantei BD’s completely before my post-secondary stuff starts next year. Dunno about the other staff though (read: they too lazy/busy to do anything else)

      • kamineko says:

        Fuck yes! Anyamal: check. Yume Pro: check. Tantei BDs: check… Looking forward to all of it, thank you thank you thank you.

        PS: only 2 Anyamal left, oh the suspense.

  2. Thanks for the quick AVI release :D!

  3. Anyamaru Tantei Kiruminzuu Fan says:

    2 episodes (49 and 50) + episode 41 (recap) = 3 episodes left.

    I am looking forward to seeing episodes 41, 49 and 50. 🙂

    How is the recap episode of Anyamaru coming along?

    Will more of the other anime that Wasurenai is subbbing such as MMPPPP be released more during a month once Anyamaru Tantei Kiruminzoo is finished?

  4. deadkyo says:

    thanks for the ep! I can’t wait for the next two!!!! :3
    I’ve kept holding myself back from just downloading the remaining raw eps!

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