Anyamal 08 released

Anyamal 08 released

Oh no!!! A wolf is going to eat up rabbits and cats! NOOO!!! Goodbye, Rimi, Riko.
Brought to you by LSS & WSRN

( Unintended adding of underscores in h264 ver. Please remove the underscores in the filename. )

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10 Responses

  1. sharm says:

    I can’t download this for some reason! It always comes up with “invalid file”

  2. Kawaiimo says:

    😉 thanks!

  3. anonymous says:

    ^_^ nagisa-nee to the rescue!! thank you so much

  4. cutieness says:

    Best show ever. You guys rock.

  5. Uran says:

    Arirena suck so great. Why don’t you guys switch to Nyaatorrents and let Arirena go to hell just as they deserve?

    • Ekke says:

      Maybe this will sound like an excuse, but we have a lot of torrents on Anirena already and moving all of them would mean re-doing everything to switch trackers, which will require extensive seeding and reposting… Not to mention shifting every single link on projects page and on news posts.
      It’s a lot of work to switch trackers, so at least I’d be only using it as a last resort. It’s still working somewhat and they’re in the process of upgrading servers, so hang on a little bit …

  6. tripperdan99 says:

    Somehow have gotten hooked on this series. I see that they are up to Ep23 on the raw. Sure hope that the gang can hold together to finish the series.
    Your efforts are appreciated!!!

  7. Anyamaru Tantei Kiruminzuu Fan says:

    Please keep subbing Kiruminzuu as it is an awesome anime.

    Your efforts are appreciated!

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